Unlike Linux, Windows does not come with a good packet capture tool. For more details on tcpdump and other possible command-line arguments, you can look at the tcpdump manual page. Once you have started tcpdump on a command line, re-create the issue you are seeing before stopping tcpdump, note the exact time of the re-create, and then provide the output file. You need to be logged in as an admin or root user to use tcpdump. IBM Support lets you know whether there is a specific host and port needed for packet capture. Meanwhile, if you want to only collect traffic going to or from a particular hostname and port you can use a command such as:

The -w argument directs the raw packets to a cap file so that you can provide the capture to IBM Support.

To collect a packet capture by using tcpdump, use a command such as: We would advise that you use tcpdump as this should already be installed on all standard Linux distributions.

For details on using Wireshark, see the section "On Windows". To collect a packet capture on Linux you can either use tcpdump, which is already included in most Linux distributions or by installing Wireshark.