If you’d like to create your own color scheme, xy is a great tool for creating and visualizing your own color schemes. A great place to find additional terminal schemes is. However, there are unlimited possibilities when it comes to color schemes. Windows Terminal comes with an assortment of color schemes by default. Put settings here that you want to apply to all profiles. A list of all possible profile settings can be found on the Profile settings page on our docs site. This can be done by adding a setting inside the "defaults" array inside the "profiles" object. Windows Terminal provides you the option of applying a setting to every profile without having to duplicate the setting for each profile entry. If you’d like to view the default settings file, you can hold Alt and click on the Settings button inside the dropdown menu. Windows Terminal comes with a large set of default settings, including color schemes and keyboard shortcuts. 👉 Note: You will have to download the distro icons as they do not come shipped inside the terminal. You can find more information about WSL on the WSL docs site.

These profiles will have Tux as their icon, however you can change the icon of the distro in your settings to match whichever distro you have. If you would like to install additional WSL distros on your machine, you can do so after installing terminal and on your next terminal launch, the profiles for those distros should automatically appear. In addition to these profiles, if you have any Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) distributions installed, the terminal will automatically create profiles for those distros as well. Windows Terminal ships with Windows PowerShell, Command Prompt, and Azure Cloud Shell profiles by default. When you first install Windows Terminal, you will be greeted with a Windows PowerShell prompt.

At the time of this blog post, Windows Terminal is on version 1.3 and Windows Terminal Preview is on version 1.4. Let’s run through some tips and tricks that could help you set up your terminal in a way that’s perfect for you. Windows Terminal comes with a lot of features that allow you to customize it and interact with it in a way that feels most comfortable to you.